Interviews for case studies

21 December 2018

This week I did three more interviews for case studies for the second part of the book: with Roosna & Flak, Frank Baldé from STEIM, and Jeff Carey.

  • Roosna & Flak have been working with sensors in their dance performances over the past four years. From their website: “The core of their work is the dancing body’s possibilities and limitations, in a constant dialogue with the digital technologies and discourses that extend and counterpoint it.”

  • Frank Baldé from STEIM has worked over many decades developing software environments for mapping, and helping artists to create their mappings in these softwares.

  • Jeff Carey about his instrument or setup consisting of a joystick, a pad controller and a keypad, and a whole bunch of SuperCollider code.

I am looking forward to work these interviews further out into chapters for the book early next year!